Category: Articles
Nomás vine a conocerlo
Nomás vine a conocerlo— I just came to meet you Edmundo Spencer English Version Español
Pilate, he begged
«Pidió el cuerpo de Jesús.» When others abandoned, he went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus. Dr. Aaron Greeley English Version Español
Sermones: un lugar de refugio
Un lugar de Refugio Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Títulos Religiosos
Religious Titles— Ninguna cosa humana es Roberto Spencer English Version Español
How can I live in this mess?
«¡Que un desorden!» We have a choice Dee Bowman English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
Destined for Choice
«Escogeos hoy a quién sirváis» A choice is a destiny Rick Holt English Version Español
The Anonymous Man of Mark 14
«El joven las anónimo en Marcos 14» He was the last to flee, apparently following the arrested Christ from a distance. Dr. Aaron Greeley English Version Español
When Good People Do Bad Things
«Cuando las buenas personas hacen las cosas malas» “A master pianist may hit a wrong note, but everyone still knows him to be a good pianist.“ James Sanders English Version Español
Nowhere left to go
«No saber ya qué hacer» “Do you understand, do you understand, dear sir, what it means to have nowhere left to go?” James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
Para los Recién Convertidos
For the recently converted— Si alguno está en Cristo, nueva criatura es Roberto Spencer English Version Español
You cannot take communion alone
No puede comuna solamente— Dr. Aaron Greeley English Version Español
Bible Comments: blessed be the tie
«El cordón que se une» — You cannot lose what you do not have— Joe Fitch English Version Español
Honesty is best
«La honestidad es mejor» — Honesty is the best policy— Eric J. Sanders English Version Español
The Myth of Sisyphus
«El mito de Sísifo» — The Myth of Going Nowhere— Josh Sanders English Version Español
Mythological Origins
Orígenes mitológicos Mythological Origins— Aaron Greeley English Version Español
Pray for us
«El que haga volver al pecador, salvará de muerte un alma»— “He which converteth the sinners, shall save a soul from death” Wayne Korinek English Version Español
How You Treat Others
Cómo usted trata a otros— Sometimes, it is what we say or do Judge Quentin Tolby. pro tem English Version Español
Did you think of him?
Esto en memoria de mí— We must never forget Dusty Travis English Version Español
Bible Comments: Going away Sorrowful
«Se fue triste, porque tenía muchas posesiones» — All these things I have done— Joe Fitch English Version Español
Acting like a lawyer
Desempeño como un abogado— Watching TV judge shows, Judge Quentin Tolby English Version Español
Advice Seeker
Las muchas aguas no podrán apagar el amor— It’s the April rose James Sanders English Version Español
Lo que Pablo era antes
Before he was Paul— Señor, ten misericordia de nosotros Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Consentidores de las malas obras
Silence and Consent— Porque sembraron vientos Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Visions in the night— drama
Mirando en las visiones de la noche— The dramatic element in apocalypse genre James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
From a rib
De una costilla— From a rib, made he a woman James Sanders Traducido por E. Spencer English Version Español
A Spiritual Investment
Una inversión espiritual— Godliness as the only investment. Michael Baxter English Version Español
El Siete Leguas
The Seventh League El famoso cabello de Poncho Villa— Edmundo Spencer English Version Español
Life’s Course Is Invariable
«El curso de la vida es invariable» — We travel through life only once. James Sanders English Version Español
To Dream the Impossible Dream
«Para soñar el sueño imposible» — This is my quest— to follow that dream James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
From the Bench: trial in absentia
El juicio en ausencia— You may have rights, but you have to show up, Judge Quentin Tolby English Version Español
Bible Comments: Fishing All Night
«Toda la noche hemos estado trabajando» — We have toiled all the night— Joe Fitch English Version Español
Lo Que Siente
What the child says to us— No me des todo lo que pida. Roberto Spencer English Version Español
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
La muerte de Iván Ilich It was as though he were listening to the voice of his soul. James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
The Lord of hosts knows how
Porque de Jehová es la batallao The battle is the Lord‘s— Aaron Greeley English Version Español
The stuff we own
¿Qué es llamado esto? What they owned, owned them— Wally Shores English Version Español
Let us focus on this moment
Concentrémonos en este momento— Thoughts on the Lord’s Supper. Reg Bruce English Version Español
The Dying Christ
el Cristo moribundo— And sitting down, they watched him there. Andy Clower English Version Español
Los requisitos indispensables en Tito
Qualifications for Bishops Por esta causa te dejé en Creta— Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Una Sonrisa
A Smile El valor de una sonrisa sincera es incalculable— Edmundo Spencer English Version Español
Luis D’or: el final
Luis D’or: the end of his story La distancia entre el amor y el odio, es solo un pas— Edmundo Spencer English Version Español
Music in Worship
«Usted preguntó por espagueti; el camarero le dio espinaca en vez» — You asked for spaghetti; the waiter gave you spinach— Eric Sanders English Version Español
Fraught with Emotion
«El amor de Dios nos viene como el amor de un padre» — The love of God comes to us as the love of a father— James Sanders English Version Español
Days of Thy Youth: lucky for us
«Demasiado del riesgo ser el riesgo» — Too much of chance to be chance— Josh Sanders English Version Español
From the Bench: do you take this woman?
Del matrimonio y la pena— We should never enter into a marriage contract without a great deal of thought, but you can never be for sure. Judge Quentin Tolby English Version Español
Luis D’or: la continuación
Luis D’or: a short story continued El padre de Águeda también le advirtió a Luisde su gran error— Edmundo Spencer English Version Español
Bible Comments: bring with you words
«Tomad con vosotros palabras» — Words sound almost trivial, and yet— Joe Fitch English Version Español
Luis D’or: un cuento
Luis D’or: a short story Pero por supuesto que sí Apá, contestó Luis muy entusiasmado— Edmundo Spencer English Version Español
Requisitos de los obispos
Qualifications for Bishops Pero es necesario que el obispo sea— Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Misplacing God
Prioridades equivocadas— Build God’s house first, before you build yours. Michael Baxter English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
Our Speaking & Our Doing
Nuestra Oratoria & Nuestra Obra We say more than we mean. We fail to hear what we should— James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
Crane: Mrs. Hooper’s Chicken
El pollo de la Sra. Hooper There simply were no other towns. Crane was situated in the middle of nowhere— James Sanders English Version Español
When the Clouds Come
La hora antes del amanecer— For all sad words, of tongue and pen, the saddest are these— James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
Where God Is Found
Donde el Dios es encontrado— The world searches for God in public opinion , but never in an ignored setting such as a manger in Bethlehem. Fulton J. Sheen English Version Español
Great Expectations
Grandes Expectativas— Not exactly, what I had been expecting. Dusty Travis English Version Español
Ancianos de la Iglesia
Worthy of Double Honor Si alguno apetece obispado— Roberto Spencer English Version Español
El Regreso
The Return El llegó a la plaza donde estaba la iglesia del pueblo— Edmundo Spencer English Version Español
Bible Comment: we know the verses
Sabemos los versículos— The Pharisees could cite Scripture, but they did not know the Lord. Joe Fitch English Version Español
La Borrachera
Drunkeness: a commentary Pero por la mañana, Un historia muy diferente— James Sanders y Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Constantes en la oración
Be constant in prayer! ¿Debemos orar, o debemos rezar?— Roberto Spencer English Version Español
The Passion of Christ
La Pasión de Cristo— The suffering of Christ should compel us to live for God. Ken Mann English Version Español
¡Sigamos el ejemplo! “¿Qué haremos?”
Let us follow the example! Debemos preguntar. Debemos obedecer— Roberto Spencer English Version Español
From the Bench: orders of protection
de la Judicatura— Order of Protection have little protection. She had an Order of Protection against the man who killed her. Judge Quentin Tolby English Version Español
Quiet Writings: fatal assumptions
Suposiciones fatales— We are made in the image of God, but we are not God. . . . Dan Shipley English Version Español
Bible Comment: everything’s changing
Todo está cambiando— The more things change, the more they remain the same. Joe Fitch English Version Español
Of dog and family
De perro y familia Who teacheth us more than the beast of earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven? Aaron Greeley English Version Español
The Love of a Cat
El amor de una gata God grants us life, and sometimes the love of cat — James Sanders English Version Español
Overcoming the World
Venciendo el mundo In every thing give thanks, for this is the will of God. — James Sanders English Version Español
Bible Comment: enemies of little ones
Hacer un problema más difícil— Some will have to explain to God, what they did and why. Joe Fitch English Version Español
The Beatutitudes: the hunger for righteousness
Las Bienaventuranzas: hambre y sed para justicia “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you“ Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Quiet Writings: influence of harbored sin
Albergar el pecado— We may excuse, or even ignore, but if we do not acknowledge. . . . Dan Shipley English Version Español
Eating Together: its importance
No sólo de pan vivirá el hombre When the table is full of love, neither the amount nor the quality of food matters. Dr. Aaron Greeley English Version Español
Stealing by Law
Robar por ley Some courses of action are wrong even to consider, Merely to pause over them is evil— James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
Bible Comment: give me or make me
Déme o Hagame— The slogan, for the down hill road to ruin. Joe Fitch English Version Español
Bread and Wine Making
La mesa del Señor Why would God want us to eat and drink as a memorial? Aaron Greeley English Version Español
When people are down
Cuando las personas están deprimidas Misfortune reveals who we are, and reveals who are friends are— James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
Knowing the value of nothing
El valor de nada I undervalue what I possess , I attach a higher value to things that are not mine— James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
From the Bench: control
de la Judicatura— If you really love something, turn it loose. If the love is real, it will return. Judge Quentin Tolby English Version Español
Unforgettable Mr. Vern
Inolvidable Mr. Vern What makes life viable? The selfish and the irritable never really live — James Sanders English Version Español
Reflecting Christ
Reflejemos a Cristo— »Vosotros sois la luz del mundo . . . « Roberto Spencer English Version Español
The Table of the Lord
La mesa del Señor Why would Jesus want us to eat and drink in remembrance of him? Aaron Greeley English Version Español
Bible Comment: I hurt
Me duele— You really do hurt, but that is not the question. Joe Fitch English Version Español
La Obra de Evangelismo de la Iglesia
The Work of the Church in Evangelism The most noble of all work, To listen to God and speak on his behalf— Fernando H. Coronado English Version Español
My Trip to Georgia
Mi viaje a Georgia And I was unknown by face to the churches . . . Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Ahoy: do something with your life
Nada, no hizo nada con su vida He could not point to anything substantial , anything he had built with his own hands— James Sanders English Version Español
The Beatitudes: the persecuted
Las Bienaventuranzas: Los perseguidos “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me“ Roberto Spencer English Version Español
A Physician Looks at the Death of Christ
Un médico mira la muerte de Christ Pulmonary Embolism Undoubtedly, Virchow’s triad was at work — Dr. Aaron Greeley English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
I lost my mate
Perdí a mi esposa en el divorcio Experience drove home what I already knew I did not want this. — Jimmy Tuten English Version Español
Lolita and Chico
Lolita y Chico »Y si un hombre ofreciera todos los bienes de su casa a cambio del amor, de cierto sería despreciado.« —Cantares 8:7 Edmundo Spencer English Version Español