Author: Santiago
Somewhere I have never travelled
En algún lugar yo nunca se ha desplazado God closed the day as easily as we might close a door Memories are made of this and so are dreams of a boat under sail— James Sanders English Version Español
He threw gold coins
Lanzó monedas de oro Why does he make that abominable noise? With the air of a gentleman who could afford to pay— James Sanders English Version Español
Galatians 1:1-10 abandoning God
Gálatas 1:1-10 Abandonado Dios They abandoned Christ and followed a different gospel, without fully realizing what they had done. James Sanders English Version Español
Studies in James: when adversity strikes, 1:1-11
Estudios en Santiago: Cuando la adversidad viene When grief becomes unbearable When wealth becomes worthless James Sanders English Version Español
That I Should Preach: importance of theme
»Me fue dada esta gracia de anunciar« Preach the word, Preach to the souls of men— James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
Epistle as Literature: dialogue, friendship
Epístola como literatura The private letter as foundational Communication as personal James Sanders English Version Español
The best laid plans of mice and men
Los mejores planos preparados de ratones y hombres We reason unreasonably. We reach conclusions God has not reached. James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
¡Sigamos el Ejemplo!
Let us follow the example! Debemos predicar el evangelio. Debemos oir el evanglio— Roberto Spencer English Version Español
The Passing of George T. Eldridge
Seffner, Florida— George T. Eldridge passed away at home on Wednesday, February 16. He and I were life-long friends for almost 50 years. I never knew a man more generous or more devoted to the cause of God. He was special. He was unusual. He was a character unique and memorable. He was, in fact,…
How long do I have?
¿Cuánto tiempo tengo? We ask many questions in life. We have to look inward to our very soul. James Sanders English Version Español
Mensaje de la Sagrada Biblia
Bienvenido al mensaje de la Biblia presentado cada semana por teléfono. Estamos tratando de presentar un mensaje que pueda ser útil en su estudio personal, así como un mensaje que podría animar a alguien que no es un cristiano y quiera aprender más sobre la palabra de Dios. Una vez que haya escuchado el mensaje…
Hermano Alfonso Retana Sr. asesinado
El Sábado 12 de Febrero cerca de las 10: a.m. el hermano Alfonso Retana E. (54 años de edad) fue acribillado por sujetos armados frente a su negocio de computadoras y Internet en el crucero de las calles Francisco Marquez y 2 de Abril de ciudad Camargo, Chih. – Oremos por esta familia y por todos los…
Hermanos Carlos Talamantes y Alfonso Retana Jr., asesinados
Amado hermano quiero pedirte de favor que lleven en oración a los hermanos que estan en: La Boquilla municipio de Camargo, Chihuahua; donde hace dos domingos fueron asesinados dos hermanos al salir del lugar de reunión, los nombres de los hermanos son Carlos Talamantes y Alfonso Retana Jr. hijo del predicador, el hermano Alfonso Retana…
The Beatitudes: Those who Mourn
Las Bienaventuranzas: Los que Lloran A Sorrow without Regret Roberto Spencer English Version Español
The Prologue of Job, chapter 1
El prólogo de Job An idyllic scene on earth A disturbing parallel scene in heaven— English Version Español
Saturday Reading
Old Testament Reading Exodus 1, 2, 3 Exodus 1 — Israelites Multiply; Oppression in Egypt Exodus 2 — Birth, Adoption and Escape of Moses Exodus 3 — Moses and the Burning Bush New Testament Reading Matthew 15:21-39 Matthew 15 — Clean and Unclean; Jesus Heals the Canaanite Woman’s Daughter, Feeds Four Thousand
Friday Reading
Old Testament Reading Genesis 49, 50 Genesis 49 — Jacob’s Blessing to His Sons; Jacob’s Death Genesis 50 — Burial of Jacob; Death of Joseph New Testament Reading Matthew 15:1-20 Matthew 15 — Clean and Unclean; Jesus Heals the Canaanite Woman’s Daughter, Feeds Four Thousand
Farrar, The Life of Christ: The Nativity, 1874
El nacimiento humilde de Christo From his lowly birth on, he had no place on which to lay his head— English Version Español
Thursday Reading
Old Testament Reading Genesis 46, 47, 48 Genesis 46 — Jacob and His Family Move to Egypt Genesis 47 — Jacob to Goshen; Israelites Multiply; Joseph and the Famine Genesis 48 — Jacob’s Illness; Manasseh and Ephraim New Testament Reading Matthew 14:22-36 Matthew 14 — John the Baptist Beheaded; Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, Walks on…
Wednesday Reading
Old Testament Reading Genesis 44, 45 Genesis 44 — Benjamin and the Silver Cup Genesis 45 — Joseph Makes Himself Known and Forgives His Brothers New Testament Reading Matthew 14:1-21 Matthew 14 — John the Baptist Beheaded; Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, Walks on Water
Tuesday Reading
Old Testament Reading Genesis 42, 43 Genesis 42 — Joseph’s Brothers Sent to Egypt, Simeon Detained Genesis 43 — The Return to Egypt with Benjamin New Testament Reading Matthew 13:33-58 Matthew 13 — Parables of the Sower; Weeds among Wheat; Mustard Seed; Yeast; Treasure; Pearls; Net; Prophet without Honor
Monday Reading
Old Testament Reading Genesis 41 Genesis 41 — Pharaoh’s Dream; Joseph’s Interpretation and Reward New Testament Reading Matthew 13:1-32 Matthew 13 — Parables of the Sower; Weeds among Wheat; Mustard Seed; Yeast; Treasure; Pearls; Net; Prophet without Honor
Spurgeon: God Answers Prayer
This article is a meditation on God and his goodness toward us. The article is short.
Read the Bible
Read the entire Bible in one year. Or, read just portions of the Bible— Every day a fresh schedule, a fresh beginning. Reading Schedule
Sunday Reading
Old Testament Reading Genesis 38, 39, 40 Genesis 38 — Judah and Tamar Genesis 39 — Joseph’s Success; Potiphar’s Wife; Joseph Imprisoned Genesis 40 — Joseph Interprets the Cupbearer and the Baker’s Dreams New Testament Reading Matthew 12:22-50 Matthew 12 — The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath; By Their Fruit; Sign of…
Thoughts on the Genealogy in Matthew
Pensamientos en la genealogía en Mateo Of Royal Lineage, of birth in poverty— English Version Español
The Beatitudes: The Poor in Spirit
Las Bienaventuranzas: Los Pobres en Espiritu Humility in Spirit alone brings us to God Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Harmony of Synoptic Gospels
Una Armonía de los Evangelios de Synopticos A Study of Matthew, Mark, and Luke the sacred text, commentary, and questions— Site under Construction English Version Español
Edersheim: Sketches / Palestine in the time of Christ
Edersheim: Bosquejos /Palestina, en la época de Christ Such was the political division of Palestine— English Version Español
A Social Use of Clichés: Rhetorical and Cultural Dimensions
Un uso social de Clichés: Las dimensiones retóricas y culturales Consider a proverb, for instance— think of the endless variety of situations— James Sanders English Version Español
Edersheim: Sketches / Palestine Centuries Past
Edersheim: Bosquejos /Palestina, siglos pasados Scenes of beauty and richness, from the snows of Hermon to the cool of Lebanon English Version Español
Chess: Morphy vs Duke Karl/ Count Isouard, 1858
Chess for Fun and Blood Level— Medium Opening Moves and Theory, Analysis of an Actual Game, — James Sanders English Version Español
Chess Personalities: Paul Morphy
In chess, you must absolutely consider the other man’s position. If you do not, the outcome can be something you never anticipated. Something there is about chess that requires us to listen to the other man’s perspective. Perhaps in this respect, chess is much like life. Morphy vs Duke Karl/ Count Isouard,…
Rhetorical Analysis of Archetype
Estudio literario— arquetipo A shadow of a world, more real than reality itself James Sanders English Version Español Traducido por E. Spencer
The Final Judgment
El juicio final— While on this earth, we must not act as unbelievers and rebels. Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Lecciones en inglés básico: las formas regulares de los verbos presente
Lessons in Basic English: Inflection of the Present Tense Verb Learning another language can be a wonderful adventure. In fact, proficiency in a second language often gives us a fresh perspective and may even open doors for us. Whatever your reasons, the decision to improve your English is a good choice. Aprendiendo otro idioma puede…
J. W. McGarvey: Missouri Christian Lecture, 1883
Missouri Cristiano Conferencia, 1883 English Version Español
Consejos de Don Quixote a Sancho Panza: Pablo a Timoteo
Sermones básicos Roberto Spencer English Version Español
Nicolasa’s Recipe: Mexican Cornbread Stuffing
Relleno de pan de maíz Very delicious with a good cup of coffee. English Version Español
Meditations in a Cemetery
Meditaciones en un cementerio Silence settles like fog over this cemetery, as I walk amid the graves— Joe Fitch English Version Español
Biography of Cervantes
Biografia de Miguel Cervantes Saavedera To read more of this caballero and of his incredible adventure, click on either English or Spanish: Para leer más de este caballero y de su aventura increíble, o pulse el botón adelante inglés o español: English Version Español
Miss Pat’s Recipe: Boatman’s Stew
el Guiso de un barquero A recipe for a cold day with comments by Miss Pat. English Version Español
Biography of Don Quixote
Biografia de Don Quixote To read more of this caballero and of his incredible adventure, click on either English or Spanish: Para leer más de este caballero y de su aventura increíble, o pulse el botón adelante inglés o español: English Version Español
H ere’s how to subscribe to our newsletter. Let’s see if the rest of the sentence will work or not. I may not have the exact code, but let’s see if I do. I believe this may work, or at least come close to working. Now, let’s take a look and see what may have…
Rhetoric: sermons you can preach
Sermones que Usted puede predicar The place to begin a sermon is not at the beginning. It is in the middle. James Sanders English Version Español
Biography of Sancho Panza
Biografia de Sancho Panza To read more of this caballero and of his incredible adventure, click on either English or Spanish: Para leer más de este caballero y de su aventura increíble, o pulse el botón adelante inglés o español: English Version Español
Biography of Sr. Roberto Spencer
Biografia de Sr. Roberto Spencer Villanueva To read more of this caballero and of his incredible adventure, click on either English or Spanish: Para leer más de este caballero y de su aventura increíble, o pulse el botón adelante inglés o español: English Version Español
Biography of Dr. James Sanders
Biografia de Dr. James Sanders Helton To read more of this caballero and of his incredible adventure, click on either English or Spanish: Para leer más de este caballero y de su aventura increíble, o pulse el botón adelante inglés o español: English Version Español
The forum is entirely in Spanish, at least for now, and usually features the humorous and insightful conversations between Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. At times, such conversations may even reach the status of an article. When that happens, the conversation is published in the Articles category. Any registered user, of course, can post in…
What We Ask of You
El Conquistador is free. Our needs are quite simple. The Lord has already blessed us, enabling this dream of ours to be realized. Pray for us, if you wish. And speak with us when you can. Yes, you can print and give to others what you see here, but do so freely and without cost.…
Biografia A view of those who write for El Conquistador, especially Don Quixote de la Mancha. To read further of their adventures and their life, click on a name below: Una vista de aquéllos que escriben para El Conquistador, sobre todo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Para leer más allá de sus aventuras y su…
The Impossible Dream
Sueño Imposible Here lies a story of fantastic dreams, remarkable adventures, unbearable struggles. Here is the story of how El Conquistador began. To read more, click on the red title. Aquí se abría una historia de sueños fantásticos, aventuras notables, forcejeos insufribles. Aquí es la historia de cómo el Conquistador empezó. Para leer más, pulse…
¿Alguna Pregunta? You may have a technical question on how to access this site, or how to register your name. If you do have such questions, just click on the links below. We would like to hear from you. Usted puede llevar puesto una pregunta técnica cómo acceder este sitio, o cómo registrar su nombre. …
Ecclesiastes: life as paradox
Eclesiastés: vida como paradoja Life is a perplexing paradox, an enigma whose meaning and depth cannot be analyzed or measured, or even understood fully. James Sanders English Version Español
She never suspected
Ella nunca sospechó Grandma lived hundreds of miles from us and as a child, I saw her but every three or four years. James Sanders English Version Español
Curso de Biblia por correspondencia
En Español 13 lecciones — Solicítelo a la siguiente dirección: Conozca la voluntad de Dios para obedecerla y llegar a ser salvo. Juan 5:39; Hechos 17:11; II a Timoteo 3:15-16.
Life has an end
Even though we may live many years, the journey somehow ends far too soon. . . English Version Español